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How does a startup work? Everything you need to know

There is a lot of talk about startups, but what is a startup and how does it work? Thinking of creating a startup? Here's a guide to everything you need to consider before you do.

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PSD2 regulation: What it is and how it ensures secure payments

The so-called two-factor authentication is part of the PSD2 regulation, do you want to know how it works in your business? Read the article to find out everything you need to know.

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Pay by link. How to pay online with Uelz

Receiving payments online is as easy as sending a link. Share payment links with your customers with Uelz's pay by link feature. Read here to find out more.

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The 5 online payment methods you can use at Uelz

Which online payment method should I choose? We have summarized in this post the 5 most popular payment methods, with their advantages and disadvantages.

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How to build trust with your customers whilst online shopping

There are many places to shop online, but not all of them meet the criteria that generates online trust that customers need to make purchases.

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What is bank reconciliation and what are its benefits

Balancing a company's accounts is not always easy, but thanks to the bank reconciliation process it can be made much simpler. Read more to find out how.

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The most secure online payment methods

Online sales are growing every year, and so are online security issues. Prepare your business and create trust with your customers with the most secure online payment methods.

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How to know your customers through their payment methods

Information as simple as knowing the payment method your customers choose can be of great help to your business. Read here to find out why.

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Charging by direct debit and avoiding "chargeback"

More than 45% of transactions in Spain are made via direct debit. Do you know the advantages, disadvantages and alternatives of direct debit transactions?

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How does a startup work? Everything you need to know

There is a lot of talk about startups, but what is a startup and how does it work? Thinking of creating a startup? Here's a guide to everything you need to consider before you do.

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PSD2 regulation: What it is and how it ensures secure payments

The so-called two-factor authentication is part of the PSD2 regulation, do you want to know how it works in your business? Read the article to find out everything you need to know.

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Pay by link. How to pay online with Uelz

Receiving payments online is as easy as sending a link. Share payment links with your customers with Uelz's pay by link feature. Read here to find out more.

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The 5 online payment methods you can use at Uelz

Which online payment method should I choose? We have summarized in this post the 5 most popular payment methods, with their advantages and disadvantages.

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How to build trust with your customers whilst online shopping

There are many places to shop online, but not all of them meet the criteria that generates online trust that customers need to make purchases.

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What is bank reconciliation and what are its benefits

Balancing a company's accounts is not always easy, but thanks to the bank reconciliation process it can be made much simpler. Read more to find out how.

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The most secure online payment methods

Online sales are growing every year, and so are online security issues. Prepare your business and create trust with your customers with the most secure online payment methods.

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How to know your customers through their payment methods

Information as simple as knowing the payment method your customers choose can be of great help to your business. Read here to find out why.

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Charging by direct debit and avoiding "chargeback"

More than 45% of transactions in Spain are made via direct debit. Do you know the advantages, disadvantages and alternatives of direct debit transactions?

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Pay by link. How to pay online with Uelz

Receiving payments online is as easy as sending a link. Share payment links with your customers with Uelz's pay by link feature. Read here to find out more.

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The 5 online payment methods you can use at Uelz

Which online payment method should I choose? We have summarized in this post the 5 most popular payment methods, with their advantages and disadvantages.

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Uelz, one of 100 finalists in the South Summit Madrid 2022

María Luke (CEO) presented the Uelz project at the South Summit competition, an annual event packed with entrepreneurship and new ideas. Read about the experience here.

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What is Uelz and how is it different from a payment gateway?

Changes in consumer habits require new sales environments, like Uelz, that are adapted to the needs of companies and customers. Read here to learn more about Uelz.

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How to build trust with your customers whilst online shopping

There are many places to shop online, but not all of them meet the criteria that generates online trust that customers need to make purchases.

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How to know your customers through their payment methods

Information as simple as knowing the payment method your customers choose can be of great help to your business. Read here to find out why.

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How does a startup work? Everything you need to know

There is a lot of talk about startups, but what is a startup and how does it work? Thinking of creating a startup? Here's a guide to everything you need to consider before you do.

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What is bank reconciliation and what are its benefits

Balancing a company's accounts is not always easy, but thanks to the bank reconciliation process it can be made much simpler. Read more to find out how.

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How to reduce checkout and cart abandonment

Fighting checkout and cart abandonment as on online business can be challenging. In this article we delve further into the reasons and the solutions.

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What is cloud computing and why implement it in your company?

The goal of technology is to make our lives easier, so working from the cloud is the best option to improve the way you work. Read here to learn more about cloud computing.

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Subscription model: why implement it in your company?

The subscription sales model opens a world of possibilities for your company. Learn about the different types and the advantages of implementing it.

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Recibo bancario: qué es el recibo bancario, riesgos y alternativas

Más del 45% de las transacciones en España suceden a través de recibos bancarios. ¿Sabes cuáles son las ventajas, desventajas y alternativas para cobrar a tus clientes mediante recibos SEPA?

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Pagar con link: crea enlaces de pago con tarjeta para tus clientes

Recibir pagos online es tan sencillo como enviar un link. Crea tus servicios en Uelz, genera enlaces de pago y compártelos con tus clientes con la funcionalidad de pago por link.

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Retención de clientes: las métricas que debes conocer

La retención de clientes es clave para el éxito de cualquier negocio, ya que conservar a los clientes actuales es más rentable que adquirir nuevos. Es fundamental comprender y monitorear ciertas métricas.

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Caso de uso: cobro por consumo

Cada vez son más los negocios que dejan de cobrar una cantidad fija y adaptan sus precios al consumo de los clientes. En especial, este es el caso de uso de las compañías energéticas.

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Sistemas de billing: 3 formas de automatizar los cobros recurrentes

En este artículo exploramos los diferentes modelos de sistemas para la automatización de cobros recurrentes con un objetivo claro: optimizar recursos y centrar los esfuerzos en el crecimiento de tu producto.

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Errores en la medición de uso y cómo evitarlos

En este artículo analizamos los errores comunes a los que se enfrentan las empresas de rápido crecimiento en sus esfuerzos por medir el consumo y sugerimos estrategias para evitarlos.

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Mejores prácticas para cobros recurrentes

Profundizamos en las 5 mejores prácticas y estrategias de facturación recurrente que pueden mejorar significativamente la eficiencia de las empresas SaaS y la satisfacción del cliente.

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Caso de uso: cliente plataforma con subcuentas asociadas

Muchas veces los clientes no son los usuarios finales, sino que son otras empresas dependientes que gestionan sus propios clientes. Este es el caso de los que llamamos “clientes plataforma”.

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Caso de uso: cobros fraccionados a partir de suscripciones

¡Los cobros recurrentes tienen más de un solo uso! Más allá de las suscripciones, los pagos recurrentes ayudan a resolver problemas de cobro en modelos de negocio muy distintos.

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