Manage any type of fixed or variable recurring billing

Uelz is a billing system for companies with recurring revenues. It adapts to any billing scenario and ensures that companies can charge their customers with any means of payment.

Set up your payment plans according to the nature of your business

Create a service and generate the associated payment plans

The associated payment plans are the different ways to charge for the same service, giving your customers flexibility in their payments.

Choose the charge modality

Initiates charges through multiple global payment gateways that are automatically activated according to transaction type.

  • Fixed recurrence
  • Variable recurrence used-based

Set the terms of the plan

  • Total or unit price
  • Charging frequency: weekly, yearly, monthly...
  • Due date according to your billing cycles

This is how collection flows work regardless of your business model


Mode of use

Manage all your sales with Uelz

Use both our Dashboard and API to manage your sales according to the billing modality.



Check all your charges

Access all the data generated by your sales: status of your charges, payment methods, customers, sales dates... as well as possible errors or failed charges.


Cancel if necessary

Terminate the charges associated with a given payment plan or cancel a specific customer's collection.


Generate variable charges according to your customers' consumption

Send through the API the total amount of consumption registered during the configured billing period. The value of the charge will change depending on your customer's consumption.

Choose the charging method your business needs from multiple options

Fixed recurring charges

Processes recurring charges with a price that does not change over the billing period.

Variable recurring charges

Create recurring billing plans with a price that changes depending on different factors of your business.

Charges use-based

Modify the price to be charged in your plans according to the consumption that customers have made on your product, service or platform.


Automate and manage recurring payments with subscription plans to charge your customers on a monthly basis.

Installment payments

Split a payment into different installments and set the number of billing cycles to receive collections automatically.

Charges by number of users

Offer pricing plans based on the number of active users on your service.

Charges by features

Create different pricing plans for each of the product's features that can be contracted.

Charges with due date

Set a time limit for recurring charges for a specified period of time.

One-time charges

Execute punctual charges according to the needs that may arise in your business: initial payments, single fees, additional payments…

FAQ'S about billing automation with Uelz

What is Uelz?

Uelz is a developer first billing automation API for companies with recurring revenue. Managing recurring payments for a company with a high transaction volume is a highly complex process, which typically starts as a technical challenge and ends up impacting the entire billing process of the company, from the sales department, through the technical team, to the finance department.

The goal of Uelz is to seamlessly integrate with all the tools that are part of this process (platforms, CRMs, ERPs, etc.) to eliminate gaps and help companies become much more efficient, reducing their operational and technical costs, as well as costs related to payment defaults caused by gaps in the billing process.

What is the difference between a payment gateway and a billing automation API?

Payment gateways handle the technical aspects of billing, ensuring that payment has occurred as scheduled through the payment method. On the other hand, billing automation through an API such as Uelz manages all billing-related processes, including: invoice generation, handling of customer communications, management of recurring collection logics, management of failed collection logics, invoicing and subscription management.

As a general rule, these two components always work together, since payment automation solutions use payment gateways to initiate financial transactions or recurring collections.

Why automate and manage recurring billing through Uelz and not by building your own billing system?

As a company grows and expands - both in terms of number of customers, services and countries in which it operates - the billing challenges also increase. Payment plans may change from monthly to annual, new consumer trends include new charging methods, payment methods become more diversified...

Many companies suggest creating their own billing systems to save costs, but the truth is that with growth comes more changes, which increases the resources, time and personnel needed to scale and maintain the system. On the other hand, using a billing platform like Uelz makes it easier for companies to save time, resources and effort in managing recurring collections.

Discover more Uelz features


Subscription management




Payments methods

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Recibe pagos
online a tu medida

Personaliza el proceso de pago que quieres ofrecer a tus clientes.

¿Quieres más información sobre Uelz?

Rellena el formulario y nos pondremos en contacto lo antes posible

Cómo funciona

Gestionar tus pagos nunca fue tan fácil


Elige la periodicidad del cobro y los métodos de pago.


Crea tus servicios para generar un link de pago.


Comparte el link y recibe el dinero en tu cuenta.


Controla y mide todo lo que pasa en tu negocio.

Decide cómo quieres cobrar

Diseña el proceso de compra de tus clientes

Con una sola integración y sin código puedes configurar los procesadores y métodos de pago que más se ajusten a las necesidades de tu negocio. Ofrece a tus clientes flexibilidad y comodidad a la hora de pagarte.

  1. Tarjeta de crédito y débito

  2. Domiciliación bancaria, SEPA

  3. Pago con móvil

  4. Pago fraccionado

Cómo usar el link de pago

Integra el link
en tu página web

Si ya tienes tu sitio web y quieres disfrutar de un enlace de pago online rápido y sin necesidad de código, Uelz se puede integrar fácilmente y en pocos pasos.

Introduce el enlace de pago dentro del botón de compra de tu sitio web y tu cliente realizará el pago en la página de venta que hayas diseñado previamente.

con tus clientes

Podrás compartirlo a través de todo tipo de redes sociales, whatsapp o correo electrónico entre otros.

Una vez que tu usuario ingresa en el enlace, solo tendrá que introducir sus datos de pago y la transacción se hará efectiva.

Panel de control personalizado

Controla el estado de tu negocio de un solo vistazo