The Billing API to automate all type of recurring charges

Adapt your pricing to any billing scenario in seconds. Reduce the implementation costs of your billing infrastructure and enable multiple payment gateways through our API.

curl --request  POST$UELZ_URL/api/purchases” \
--header “Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY” \
--header ‘Content-Type: application’ \
--data-raw ‘{
“external_plan_id”: “00001234565",
“service_id”: “clvc3mlj50000ml017yeypnwd”,
“plan_name”: “Plan name",
“plan_description”: “Descripción",
“plan_type”: “subscription”,
“plan_amount”: 0.80,
“plan_currency”: “EUR”,
“subscription_type”: “variable”,
“frequency”: “month”,
“billing_cycles”: 5,
“payment_day”: "registration day"

Monthly charge


Payment mode


Charge day

Registration day

Due date

In 5 cycles

The Billing API to automate all type of recurring charges

Adapt your pricing to any billing scenario in seconds. Reduce the implementation costs of your billing infrastructure and enable multiple payment gateways through our API.

curl --request  POST$UELZ_URL/api/purchases” \
--header “Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY” \
--header ‘Content-Type: application’ \
--data-raw ‘{
“external_plan_id”: “00001234565",
“service_id”: “clvc3mlj50000ml017yeypnwd”,
“plan_name”: “Plan name",
“plan_description”: “Descripción",
“plan_type”: “subscription”,
“plan_amount”: 0.80,
“plan_currency”: “EUR”,
“subscription_type”: “variable”,
“frequency”: “month”,
“billing_cycles”: 5,
“payment_day”: "registration day"

Monthly charge


Payment mode


Charge day

Registration day

Due date

In 5 cycles


Payment gateway integration

Connect multiple payment gateways in minutes based on the billing scenarios you are going to operate in.

Customized billing

Create billing models for any sales scenario, including fixed and usage-based recurring charges.

Unified real time data

Access all your sales and billing data on Uelz dashboards or by connecting your system to our API.

Recurring billing infrastructure

Manage fixed and usage-based billing in any form

Create billing plans for any billing scenario with no implementation costs for your technical team. Uelz is a billing system that helps you automate charges of any kind and consolidates information in one place.

We realized that developing and maintaining a recurring collection infrastructure would take too much time and resources. Uelz has automated all our recurring collection processes with different payment methods and without having to do manual and repetitive tasks every month.

Blanca Bausá | Revenue operations & Sales

Less development time — Better results for your business


faster to integrate


savings in technical cost


independent of the payment method

 Why Uelz?

Perfect for simplifying your recurring billing process

Tus procesos de suscripción cambian a lo largo del tiempo. Los clientes aumentan, los planes de precios se actualizan y los procesos de cobro recurrentes necesitan ser flexibles para cambiar a su ritmo. Integrar Stripe con nuestra herramienta de billing te permite controlar las suscripciones como tú decidas y obtener métricas en tiempo real directamente en tu propio dashboard.

Developing and maintaining a recurring billing infrastructure becomes unsustainable in the long run for businesses that need to add new billing models, experiment with use cases, customize plans...
Uelz makes the most complex billing processes simple. Manage your business' recurring billing models, add discounts, make pay-as-you-go calculations with a flexible billing solution adapted to all phases of growth.

Complex billing scenarios

Designed for businesses with recurring charges and flexible pricing

Charge variably based on usage

With variable recurring billing plans, you can charge a price that changes based on how your customers use the product.

Know more

Charge recurrently with a fixed price

Create recurring billing plans with a fixed amount that is charged periodically at the frequency and price you choose.

Know more

Tailor your recurring billing plans to any sales scenario

Build recurring billing logics customized to your business model and its possible variations.

Connect your system through API and enable callback

Automatically calculate the variable amounts of your charges by sending data in real time.

Reconcile data in one place and in real time

Keep track of your billing and check any information via API or in the Uelz dashboards.

Different integration options for different levels of technical development


Payment links without code

Share payment links to receive charges without needing a website.CTA: More information

More information

Customized checkout

Integrate the payment checkout on your website with the gateways of your choice.

More information

Integration via Uelz API

Connect your system with Uelz through our API.

More information

Customer service, our priority

We help you and solve your queries in the shortest possible time through telephone service, email or live chat. And the most important thing: you will always be attended by people who speak the same language as you.

Secure treatment of your data

The processing and transmission of payment data only takes place between payment gateways and is never stored by Uelz.  We ensure the processing of your and your customers' data in compliance with the GDPR.

We are here to help you manage your recurring billing

We are agnostics

Choose from multiple payment methods and gateways

Connect the payment gateways that are suitable for the recurring payment logic of your business, combine them with each other and benefit from a single integration of the advantages they offer in terms of recurrence management, international sales and payment of commissions.

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